Bee Removal

If you live in Las Vegas and are experiencing an influx of bee infestations, then it’s time to call in the bee removal specialists at Flatliners Pest Control. We will quickly eliminate any [...]

Hornet & Wasp Control

At Flatliners Pest Control in Las Vegas, we’re here to help with hornet and wasp control when you start noticing the buzzing of stinging insects around your pool or property. Finding the nests of [...]

Cricket Control

Because no one wants a noisy houseguest that puts holes in the sheets, at Flatliners Pest Control, we’re here to help you with cricket pest control in Las Vegas. They skitter, they hop, and man [...]

Borer, Beetle & Aphid Control

Trust the experts at Flatliners Pest Control in Las Vegas, NV to eliminate borers, beetles, and aphids from your yard. If left alone, these bugs can cause severe tree and shrub damage, killing [...]

Pet-Safe Pest Control

Every pet owner desires a pest-free home, but traditional pesticides can pose serious health risks to our furry friends. In our quest to stand as an impenetrable barrier between households and [...]

New Construction Termite Pretreatment

If you are building a new home, don’t forget to schedule termite pretreatment by Flatliners Pest Control in Las Vegas. Protect your valuable investment from the start by letting us lay down a [...]

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